Your knee jerk reaction may be to say, “How can anxiety ever be a friend”. But wait a just one pretty little minute! Sometimes a healthy dose of anxiety is actually a good thing because it pushes us to perform to the best of our abilities. How you internalize and manage life’s anticipated, or even […]
BC Parent article
In the latest issue of BC Parent magazine you can find an article I wrote discussing eating disorders. The three page piece is part of BC Parent’s “back-to-school” issue and gives an overview of eating disorders, some helpful information for parents to create a supportive atmosphere for their children and insights into how a parent’s […]
Family Based Training for Eating Disorders
As some of you know, I have been passionate about the prevention and treatment of eating disorders for many years. I have made it a significant part of my private practice and my community work. I recently attended a course that was held in New Jersey on Family Based Therapy (FBT) for Eating Disorders, offered […]
Child or Expressive Play Therapy
My practice has two front doors, literally. The first is the traditional entrance that leads into my office with comfy chairs and, yes, the all-important couch! The other entrance is probably unlike any private practice you’ve seen or been to before. Upon entering, you walk into a child’s greatest fantasy – it may look to […]
As a mother and psychotherapist, I am acutely aware of the challenges involved in raising children in our fast-paced and highly competitive world. More than ever, children are experiencing the effects of stress, anxiety and an intensely dialed-in world. Adults, teens and even young children seem to be living a constantly connected existence. These connections […]
S.A.D. – Beware this acronym!
Are you feeling SAD? I mean, are you experiencing Seasonal Affective Disorder? As we all know, the month of March is just around the corner. The worst of the winter weather is on the verge of being officially over. Soon, we’ll be readying our gardens and replacing our warms woolies with k-way jackets and shorts. […]
Taking time
Sometimes, when I see clients in my private practice, I hear a quiet, or at times very loud, plea to have things get better quickly. I can honestly say, through first hand experience, that enduring pain, suffering, grief, loss, distress and discomfort can feel unbearable. The desire to stop these emotions, at any cost, may […]
Children and Food
I am on a committee called the “north shore education committee for disordered eating” in North Vancouver,BC. As you might imagine the subject of eating disorder prevention is on the top of our agenda. Rarely a day goes by that I do not hear someone mention, either subtly or overtly, that they experience a varying […]
New Year’s Resolutions – It’s never too late
For those of us who choose to partake in the Mount Everest-like challenge that is the New Year’s resolution, it seems the odds may be stacked against us. Statistically, the likelihood that an individual will keep their new year’s resolution is not something I’d bet the proverbial farm on. In fact, a study by the […]
Surviving Christmas Article in North Shore Outlook
On December 21st, the North Shore Outlook featured my article with tips to survive Christmas. While the holidays are over, a lot of these tips can be used throughout the year to simply your life and help you de-stress. Click here to link to the online article or see below. North Shore residents: Ease […]